All pewag car chains feature:

‣ Innovative starwave® profile for increased traction

‣ Rim protection

‣ ÖNORM and TÜV certified

‣ Diamond pattern approved for all Australian snow resorts

‣ Made in pewag factories in the EU

pewag Brenta-C

XMR 59 ➸ XMR 77

‣12mm chain for cars with normal clearance between tyre and suspension.

‣ Manual chain tensioning - retention after 20 metres

‣ Easy dismounting with easy to use inside lock

‣ D shaped links in 3.8mm thickness

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pewag Servo Sport

RSS 73 ➸ RSS 79

Sporty for performance cars. Innovative. Only 7mm of space.

‣ 7mm twisted link inside chain for cars with minimal clearance between tyre and suspension.

‣ pewag servo ratchet tensions the chain automatically

‣ Easy dismounting with self-opening inside lock

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pewag Servo 9

RS9 67 ➸ RS9 80

Sporty. Thrilling. Fast. High quality chain for low clearance.

‣ 9mm chain for cars with small amount of clearance between tyre and suspension.

‣ pewag servo ratchet tensions the chain automatically

‣ Easy dismounting with self-opening inside lock

‣ D shaped links in 3.1mm thickness

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pewag Snox PRO

SXP 540 ➸ SXP 570

s(nox)olution! Naturally from pewag pewag snox® is the only snow chain that is not mounted, but snoxed!

s(nox)olution is the new chain's slogan and brings it to the point: pewag snox makes mounting of your snow chain easy and comfortable

‣ Easy to use as no lock parts or hooks are involved

‣ The chain tensions itself automatically and locks with centrifugal force

‣ Re-tensioning is not necessary

‣ To remove, simply press a button and pull off

‣ D shaped links in 3.2mm thickness

‣ 10mm chain for cars with small amount of clearance between tyre and suspension.

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pewag Servomatik

RSM 75 ➸ RSM 79

Safe assembly without fastening hooks. Automatic re-tensioning. The easiest chain to install or remove.

‣This premium innovative hoop chain is ideal for tight wheel arches with low clearances due to 9mm chain and hoop

‣ Very convenient mounting system

‣ Drive away with no need to re-tension

‣ Self-explanatory assembly with display window to ensure that the chain has been mounted safely

‣ No fastening elements or hooks

‣ D shaped links in 3.1mm thickness

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