Easy Fit Snow Chains
The V2 Traction chains have become very popular with most chain hire companies due to their reliable service and economical pricing.
‣ They are Easy to Fit with a manual adjustment after 20 metres
‣ Clear fitting instructions are on the bag
‣ The bag has a QR code for a fitting demonstration
‣ Diamond pattern approved for all Australian snow resorts
‣ Hardened cross chains, with side tension springs & auto locking levers
‣ 1 side fitting without moving the vehicle
‣ The inner cable has plastic spacers moulded to the cable so the chain cannot float and bunch up
‣ This prevents the chain from coming loose hence failure
KN series 12mm snow chains with 3.8mm D section steel
KN40 ➸ KN104 suit most cars and the smaller SUV's
KN205 ➸ KN210 suit larger SUV's
KB series 16mm snow chains with 4.5mm D section steel
KB391 ➸ KB474 suit most 4x4 vehicles and light trucks
KB477 ➸ KB482 suit monster 4x4 tyres and medium trucks
These chains are made in China, but engineered in Australia.