pewag Snox SUV
SXV 580 ➸ SXV600
s(nox)olution! Naturally from pewag snox® is the only snow chain that is not mounted, but snoxed!
s(nox)olution is the new chain's slogan and brings it to the point
pewag snox® makes mounting of your snow chain easy and comfortable
‣ Easy to use as no lock parts or hooks are involved
‣ The chain tensions itself automatically and locks with centrifugal force
‣ Re-tensioning is not necessary
‣ To remove, simply press a button and pull off
‣ Rim protection
‣ D shaped links in 3.7mm thickness
‣ 13mm chain for cars with small amount of clearance between tyre and suspension.
‣ Ideal for Alpine snow resorts
‣ Not recommended for off-road use